Punjab Govt Issued the Notification Regarding Pay Scales.
According to the notification, the Basic Pay Scales 2011 will apply to all civil servants drawing a salary under the Basic Pay Scales 2008 as of June 30, 2011.
Allowances The ad hoc relief allowance granted to civil servants since July 2009 has been discontinued.The medical allowance admissible to civil servants in grades 16-22 at 15 per cent of their basic pay in BPS 2008 shall continue.
For original Notification Click Here
The medical allowance to new entrants in grades 16-22 will also be at the rate of 15 per cent of the minimum basic pay in BPS 2008.
The house rent allowance and the allowance equal to initial or basic pay granted to Punjab government employees shall stand frozen at the level it was in June 2011. Civil servants in grades 1 to 15 will be eligible for a conveyance allowance: Rs850 per month for grades 1-4, Rs1,150 for grades 5-10 and Rs1,700 for grades 11-15.
Those already drawing a mobility allowance or car allowance in areas other than big cities can either adopt the new conveyance allowance or continue receiving their previous allowance.
Pensions Pensioners who retired in or after July 2002 will get a raise of 15 per cent and those who retired in or before June 2002 will get a raise of 20 per cent.
Pensioners who retired in grades 1-15 will be eligible for a medical allowance of 25 per cent of their net pension and those in grades 16-22 of 20 per cent of their net pension as of June 2011.
All civil servants who retire in or after July 2011 will be given a medical allowance at 25 per cent (grades 1-15) or 20 per cent (grades 16-22) of their net pensions.
All civil servants must inform the accountant general in writing, within 60 days of the issue of the notification whether they would prefer to continue to draw their salaries under the BPS 2008 or the new BPS 2011. The decision cannot be changed.
For original Notification Click Here