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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

School Education Department of Punjab:EST English Advance Increment According to old Scheme in Vihari.

Office of the District Education Officer (EE-M) Vehari has issued orders No. 7605/Admn dated 24-11-2014 in connection with Advance Increments to EST English in Vehari.
In compliance to the judgment of the Lahore High Court Multan Bench Multan in writ petition No. 1159/2014 filed by Muhammad Iqbal and 14 others vide order passed dated 26-06-2014. The worthy EDO (Edu) Vehari passed the following remarks of the letter No. 8767/Lit dated 10-10-2014 as are under:
The Secondary School Education has directed to implement the court’s orders dated 25-06-2014 to the extent of petitioners after verifying the relevant documents and observing the related Notification.
In compliance of the above direction the following EST (English) are hereby awared advance increments on account of passing Higher Qualification of a Master Degree/M.Ed as per the detail given against each name.
According to this order 15 numbers EST English have been awarded advance increments in district Vehari.
